A large graphing window displays the complex plane, along with the real and imaginary axes and the unit circle. Below it is a zoom slider. A rollover displays crosshairs and a readout of the number. Two or three complex numbers are displayed, in cyan, green, and sometimes yellow.

Radio buttons below the graphing window specify a relationship between \(z\) and \(w\), and toggle the display (in yellow) of a combination of them. Selecting a button from the top row replaces the value of \(w\) with the value determined by the current value of \(z\). Selecting a button from the bottom row produces a yellow marker giving the chosen combination of \(z\) and \(w\). Any selected button can also be deselected by reclicking it.

Sliders at right control the values of the cyan number \(z = a + bi\) and the green number \(w = c + di\). If a button is selected from the top row, a click on the complex plane grabs the nearest of the two or three displayed numbers, and dragging it changes its value and the resulting values of the other numbers. If no button is selected from the top row, a click will grab the nearer of the cyan and green numbers.

© 2015 H. Miller and H. Petrow