This tool shows the periodic system response for a harmonic oscillator with natural circular frequency \(\omega_n\) driven by a periodic signal of fixed period \(2\pi\).

The time series plane shows the input signal in cyan and the periodic system response in yellow. When the mouse is rolled over the plane, cursor crosshairs and the values of \(t\) and \(x\) are displayed. Depressing the mousekey suppresses the crosshairs.

Click the [v] menu button in the lower right to display the list of signals. Click one of the signals to select it.

Above the \(\omega_n\) is a graph of the root mean square size of the system response. Rolling over this window produces a readout of this value and a horizontal yellow line relating this value to the graphing window. Depressing the mousekey suppresses the horizontal line.

© 2001 H. Hohn, H. Miller