Engineers commonly employ Bode and Nyquist plots to visualize the response
of an LTI system to sinusoidal input signals of various frequencies.
The Bode plots graph the logarithm of the gain and the phase lag
against the logarithm of the frequency. The Nyquist plot consists of
the trajectory of G(iω) , as ω runs over a range of frequencies,
where G(s) is the transfer function of the system.
This applet illustrates these plots for transfer functions of the form
A e-sT r(s) where r(s) is a rational function.
In the main window, a portion of the complex plane is displayed at left.
On it zeros of G(s) are marked with blue o's and poles are marked
with green x's. A point s = iω on the imaginary axis is marked
with a yellow diamond. Segments connect this point to the zeros and poles,
and horizontal grey lines extend from the poles and zeros in the positive
real direction. These are to be used in measuring the argument of the
difference between s and the zero or pole. This angle is indicated
by a grey directed arc.
The various objects in this graph can be moved by depressing the mousekey
with the cursor nearby, and dragging. Rolling the cursor over this window results in a readout of the complex
number. The scale of the window is adjusted using a log zoom slider below it.
Check boxes toggle the ability to create new real poles, complex conjugate
poles, real zeros, or complex conjugate pairs of zeros, or to annihilate them.
When one of the create boxes is checked, the corresponding object may
be placed and created by a mousekey click at the desired location on the
complex plane. When one of the annihilate boxes is checked, a mousekey
click will annihilate the nearest pole or zero.
Sliders to the right of the complex plane control the value of the delay
constant T and the amplitude A .
A checkbox at bottom toggles the display of the formula for the transfer
function G(s) .
At upper right, boxes create or foreground spawned windows containing
Nyquist or Bode plots.
The Nyquist diagram window displays the trajectory of G(iω).
The unit circle is marked in red. The value of ω selected by the yellow diamond on the complex plane
in the main window is indicated here by a yellow diamond and strut from
the origin. The direction of positive ω is indicated by an arrowhead
on the trajectory. Rolling the cursor over this window results in a
red strut joining the origin to the cursor point and a readout of the
polar coordinates of the point. Depressing the mouse key suppresses this
readout. A slider at the bottom of this window allows one to
zoom in or out.
The Bode diagram window displays the graphs of log|G(iω)|
and Arg(G(iω)) as functions of log(ω) . The current
position of iω is indicated by a yellow diamond on each graph.
2009 H. Miller, F. Hover, and
J.-M. Claus